Burst Pressure Of Metal Tube
Many factors determine burst pressure of metal tubing. For instance, the surrounding environment. Is the tube being used in high humidity? In addition, is what is traveling in the tube corrosive? And, the tube itself. Its metallurgical composition. Many other variables will cause metal tube failure, including metal density.
Failure Can Be Catastrophic
Whether metal tubing is transporting water, liquid, or gas, failure is always expensive. And in the worst scenario, a burst can be catastrophic.

Firefighters training to extinguish a gas line failure.
Bursting Pressure Equation
Burst pressure, or internal yield pressure can be a tricky thing to figure out. Though there is a scientific equation to the rescue. Although Barlow’s is a precise mathematical equation and therefore accurate, there are many other factors to consider.
Peter Barlow
A mathematician who applied his calculating genius to physics and engineering, Peter Barlow left his mark in many industries. His life spanned from 1776 through 1862 in England. And in this time, he developed his equation to determine the bursting pressure of tubing.
Barlow’s Formula
Barlow’s Formula is the industry standard. The resulting calculation determines the internal pressure that a metal pipe can withstand (Operating Pressures).
= internal pressure (psig, MPa)
= allowable stress (psi, MPa)
= wall thickness (in, mm)
= outside diameter (in, mm)
Wall Thickness – Decimal Equivalent Pressures given in (pounds / sq. inch)
Burst Pressure Calculator
Fill out at least three (3) values in form below. The burst press calculator below requires that you input a minimum of 3 numbers. Also, please note, this form calculates results in inches measurement.